Why There is No ‘Straight Pride’
As a fellow LGBTQ+ Member, I have my fair share of straight people whining in my face about how there is no ‘Straight Pride’. Please, have a seat, and let me explain to you why what you just said is not only plain stupid, but incredibly disrespectful and homophobic.
The annual pride festival that takes place all over the world is to celebrate and accept the LGBTQ community. That’s right, accept. You see, the sad truth is that gay kids everywhere are disowned or disrespected by their care-givers. It is (As of March 2021) illegal in 72 countries to a rightly so proud member of the LGBTQ Community, and in over 20 of said countries it is punishable by the DEATH PENALTY. Yep, that’s right, you can be killed in the street in certain countries, simply because of who you are, or are not attracted to.
An argument I face almost daily is as follows, ‘But you can chooooooooose, right?’ WRONG. In fact, science shows a gene in you whilst you are developing as a baby that can determine your sexuality. Sure, you may not always know you are gay, but its genetics and these scientists sure as hell know more than you who did a quick google search and called it a day.
So, to answer your question, ‘Why is There No Straight Pride?’ is because it isn’t needed. You have never been oppressed nor abused, you’ll never know how it feels to be left out or abandoned by your own family, and you will never not have the ability to bring up children, get married or simply be alive. *mic drop*